High-tech occlusion analysis & solutions for performance in Sport Dentistry

Achetez vos billets The advances in biotechnology have allowed a deeper understanding of the pathologies that affect the temporomandibular joint. Nuclear magnetic resonance images and biotechnology were transferred to the realm of clinicians, no longer being exclusive to the realm of researchers. These advances play a key role in conjunction with clinical examination, carefully integrated with the patient’s

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L’occlusion fonctionnelle – protocols, hands-on, live patient

Buy your tickets   JOUR  1 09:00 – 12:00 LA DEGLUTITION Physiologie, contacts occlusaux lors de la déglutition, rôle de la langue L’INCISION, LA MASTICATION Physiologie, Role de guidage des dents postérieures pendant la mastication Différences avec les concepts théoriques habituels HANDS-ON Travaux dirigés : le guidage fonctionnel (découpage) 12:00 – 14:00 – Repas midi 14:00

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Introduction to the Concept : Biofunctional Dynamic Occlusion – Level 1

Buy your ticket Hands-on ! A lot !! For years the human being has being trying to make the analysis of the function based on artificial movements or under the influence of manipulation to force and believe in a hinge axis rotation. The real organic movements is a compensatory reaction between the glenoid fossa and the eminence into the

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Biofunctional mandibular dynamics – Level 2

SOLD OUT Hands-on ! A lot !! 1. Variables in mandibular dynamics 2. Bite registration techniques 3. Arthrokinematics 4. Biofunctional orthotic appliance 5. Biofunctional dynamics craniocervical equilibration We will focus in TMJ pathology and differential diagnostic based on movement. You will learn how to create a Biofunctional Orthotic Appliance and understand the principle and its function!   DAY 

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Dental Lasers Marathon 2019

Buy your ticket DAY  1 |  Lasers from A to Z Dr. Thierry Maleca 09:00-10:30 | What is a LASER – How it is done – How it is working Wavelengths, different generators, absorption, tissue penetration, energy and power, safety rules 10:30-11:00 | C8H10N4O2 short break What is the purpose of using a laser in dental

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Introduction of the Concept of Biofunctional Dynamic Occlusion

Buy your tickets Introduction of the Concept of Bio functional Dynamic Occlusion with Dr. Javier Vasquez Day 1 First segment Analysis of the body as an entire unit Postural compensations Records for full body analysis Subtema Specificitybof the movement of the cranial cervical structures The law of 50-50 Defining normality in static position and dynamic

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Laser treament of snoring

Buy your tickets LASER TREATMENT OF SNORING by Dr. Isabelle Fini Storchi (IT) Language: EN/FR Program 09:00 – 10:30 Epidemiologics of Snoring Epidemiologics of OSAS Mechanisms of origin of Snoring Mechanisms of origin of OSAS Consequences of Snoring and OSAS Clinics and diagnostics of Snoring and OSAS 09:00 – 10:30 Coffe break ORL Videofibroscopies Classification

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Les facettes céramiques: du diagnostic au collage

Objectifs: Intégrer l’esthétique au cabinet dentaire Integrer la photo dans la communication Faire un diagnostique esthétique et être capable de répondre aux demandes actuelles des patients Connaitre les protocoles cliniques détaillés de chaque séance Connaitre les différents types de préparations pour les facettes Savoir réaliser simplement et sereinement les provisoires Apprendre les techniques de collage

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